Access AddIn SQL Editor
Der vielhundertfach geäußerte Wunsch nach einem besseren SQL Editor in Access wurde vom Access-Team mit "No Current Plan" abgesschmettert.
In den Kommentaren dazu habe ich zufällig gelesen, dass man ein AddIn als Ersatz für den Standard-SQL-Editor für 10$ erwerben kann.
Hier der Originalkommentar:
I would like to recommend you look at the "Access SQL Editor" add-in from Field Effect, LLC which supports:
◾Syntax Highlighting
◾Line numbers
◾Search-and-replace, with regular expression support
◾Poor Man's SQL Formatter integration
◾Free trial. Full license is only $10.
(I am a user, not the author)
Habe blind die 10$ (Paypal) investiert und sofort dieses Teil gekauft.
Nach dem Kauf mit PayPal sofort auto-reponse mit der Version zum DL und einem Attach mit der License erhalten.
Sofort (sehr schnell und einfach) installiert und aktiviert und WOW !!
Erfahrungswerte fehlen, aber wie es scheint ........ ;-))
================== English version =====================
The multi-faceted desire for a better SQL Editor in Access has been shattered by the Access team's with "No Current Plan".
In the comments, I happened to read that you can buy an AddIn to replace the standard SQL editor for $ 10
Here is the original comment:
I would like to recommend you look at the "Access SQL Editor" add-in from Field Effect, LLC which supports:
◾Syntax Highlighting
◾Line numbers
◾Search-and-replace, with regular expression support
◾Poor Man's SQL Formatter integration
◾Free trial. Full license is only $10.
(I am a user, not the author)
Blindly invested $ 10 (Paypal) and immediately bought this part.
After purchase with PayPal immediately receive auto-reponse with the version to the DL and an attach with the license.
Instantly (very fast and easy) installed and activated and WOW !!
Experience is missing, but it seems ........ ;-))
Print article | This entry was posted by klausobd on 14.09.18 at 19:09:00 . Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0. |