Category: "Miscellaneous"
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Jun 21st
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Andreas Kosch 2006 212 Seiten 19,90 Euro ISBN 3-935042-85-X
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition – ein Taschenbuch, das deutsche Entwickler-Einstiegswerk zum kleinsten der SQL Server 2005 Familie.
Der Autor –… mehr »
SharePoint - csegSearch update 1.5
Feb 14th
Carlos Segura Sanz has updated his csegSearch (for SPS 2003) to version 1.5. ;)
Now some issues with the custom results, are correctly displayed.
For more information plz visit Carlos Segura Sanz. more »
SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Schritt für Schritt
Jan 19th
SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Schritt für Schritt Reed Jacobson, Stacia Misner, Hitachi Consulting 2006 Microsoft Press Deutschland 464 Seiten 39,90 EURO ISBN: 3-86645-560-7
In der Microsoft Press bekannten Methode - Step by Step –, wird der… mehr »
bsimser released SharePoint Forums 1.2
Aug 9th
Navigation menu to quickly jump to anywhere on the system
Ability to place forums and categories in whatever display order you want
Topic title/full body message search with links to topics/forums
Ability to configure date format displays… more »
Update: 80-20 Retention Server 1.1 released
Mar 22nd
David Gillespie:
We're very pleased to announce that we have just uploaded version 1.1 Its still free and you can still download it from:
Don't forget to get the updated documentation as well… more »
PDF search support for WSS under SPS
Mar 15th
You know, that your WSS-Sites search uses the SQL-Server Full-Text-Catalog for indexing to work.To add the PDF search support:
you'll need to download and install the PDF IFilter to your SQL-Server(s) used by SharePointrebuild the SQL Server… more »
Troubleshooting Windows SharePoint Services
Feb 2nd
There is a new document for Troubleshooting Windows SharePoint Services!
General IssuesSecurity (Troubleshooting Windows SharePoint Services)Data EntryFiltersSurveysContactsEventsDocument LibrariesMeeting Workspace SitesThemes (Troubleshooting… mehr »
UPDATE Livemeeting - 80-20 Retention Server live demo
Feb 2nd
Just in case who missed the webcast, there is a free recording available by clicking the following link:
For the free EDRM solution - 80-20 Retention Server for… mehr »
UPDATE: James Milne - SPStatus (BETA)
Jan 18th
SPStatus v1.1 has been released and is available for download from
I would love to hear any feedback you have about SPStatus, so please feel free to reply to this message.
You are… more »