Sarpedon Quality Lab presenting SQL Server 2016 In-Memory and Security Features in Arabia at SQL Gulf 3


(“MARR-hah-bah”, Arabic: Hello)

This year takes me to yet another part of the world:

I have been invited to speak at THE SQL Server Conference in the Middle East: at SQL Gulf 3 taking place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on April 23rd.

I feel very much honored to be among the selected speakers: Denny Cherry, Victor Isakov, Peter Myers, Satya Shyam K and Shehap El-Nagar the organizer himself, who has done a great job pulling this off the third time!
For example about 7 TV stations are expected to cover this event!

(“MARR-hah-bah”, Arabisch: Hallo)

Dieses Jahr bringt mich an eine weitere Gegend dieser Welt:

Ich bin eingeladen worden auf DER SQL Server Konferenz im Nahen Osten: auf der SQL Gulf 3, die am 23. April in Riad Saudi Arabien stattfindet, als Sprecher aufzutreten.

Ich fühle mich sehr geehrt unter den ausgewählten Sprechern zu sein: Denny Cherry, Victor Isakov, Peter Myers, Satya Shyam K und Shehap El-Nagar dem Organisator selbst, der einen tollen Job gemacht hat, das zum dritten Mal zu leisten.
So werden zum Beispiel ca. 7 TV-Sender werden von diesem Event berichten!



I will be giving two presentations. The first one is on the new In-Memory capabilities of SQL Server 2016, which have been tremendously enhanced, and the second one is on the new Security features which represent one of the pillars of this release:

Ich werde zwei Vorträge halten. Einen über die neuen In-Memory Fähigkeiten von SQL Server 2016, die enorm verbessert worden sind und den zweiten zu den neuen Sicherheitsfeatures, die eine der drei Säulen dieses Releases darstellen: 


SQL Server 2016 – the evolution of In-Memory technologies

For SQL Server 2014 a completely new In-Memory Engine for memory optimized table & indexes was integrated into SQL Server with in fact very limited functionality.

For SQL Server 2016 the In-Memory engine is being extensively improved in terms of both scalability and T-SQL language support. Moreover, the ColumnStore index technology has been improved and can now even be combined with memory-optimized tables.

In this session I will provide an overview of the new possibilities and demonstrate where a particular technology may help – or where you cannot expect benefits. If you are planning to go on SQL Server 2016 any time soon, this session shows you two of the most important features that SQL Server 2016 brings.


SQL Server 2016 – the Security Release

In this session I will give insights into the most important security features of SQL Server 2016. In fact, this release will introduce completely new features that serve data security on different levels. The top 3 features are: Dynamic Data Masking, Row Level Security, and, as a highlight: Always Encrypted. Also, the new possibilities in Azure will not remain unmentioned either. The session will provide technical insights and demos but also hints to security traps. In the end a system is only as secure as its weakest spot. 
This session aims to assist Administrators as well as Developers in determining the right technologies for their needs.


I am looking forward to making many new contacts with people from this region of the world that is striving for modernization in many aspects and already reached the top in several.

Ich freue mich darauf, viele neue Kontakte mit Menschen aus dieser Region, die in vielerlei Hinsicht nach Modernisierung strebt und in einigen bereits Spitzenklasse erreicht hat, zu machen.


مع السلامة (Ma’a salama)
